Financial giving through the church is done in two ways: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is 10% of our income. When we give in addition to our tithe, it’s called an offering.
God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we always want to create opportunities to give as He leads us and with a cheerful heart, through no obligation.
Las donaciones financieras a traves de la iglesia se realizan de dos maneras: diezmos y ofrendas. La Biblia ensena que adoramos al Senor llevandole nuestro diezmo, que es el 10% de nuestros ingresos. Cuando damos ademas de nuestro diezmo, se llama ofrenda.
Dios nos dice en Su Palabra que El ama al dador alegre, por eso siempre queremos crear oportunidades para dar como El nos guia y con un corazon alegre, sin obligacion.
You are able to donate in the following manners:
Usted puede donar de las siguientes maneras:
- In Person (140 Frels Ln Houston Tx 77076)
-Zelle (
-Cash App ($EmmanuelCOG)